Wat gebeurt er tijdens volle maan

What happens during a full moon

By Karin Achten

During the full moon, the moon is fully illuminated by the sun, marking the midpoint of the lunar cycle. This phenomenon is not only beautiful to behold, but is also associated with powerful energy and symbolism. In many spiritual and astrological traditions, the full moon is seen as a time of peak energy, when emotions, intentions, and inner processes come to the surface. Here are some of the things that happen during a full moon, according to these traditions:

Increased energy and emotional intensity

The full moon is known for its powerful energy, which amplifies our emotions and feelings. Many people find themselves feeling more sensitive, restless, or even cheerful during this time. It is a time when suppressed emotions can surface, which can lead to self-reflection and insights.

letting go of the old

The full moon is an ideal time to let go of what no longer serves you. This could be old beliefs, habits, or relationships that no longer contribute to your growth. Rituals around letting go are popular during the full moon – think of writing down something you want to let go of and symbolically burning or burying it to make room for new energy.

Manifestation and Empowerment

The full moon amplifies intentions and gives an extra boost to manifestations. The energy of the full moon can help amplify your intentions and desires. By saying these intentions out loud or writing them down, you give them greater power.

Charging and cleansing crystals

In spiritual circles, the full moon is considered a perfect time to charge crystals and personal objects. Crystals are often placed outside or on a windowsill to be ‘cleansed’ and charged with the moon’s energy. The full moon is also considered a time of cleansing, both for objects and for the body and mind.

More contact with intuition and dreams

The energy of the full moon can make it easier to connect with your intuition. Some people find that their dreams are more intense or even predictive during the full moon. This is because the energy of the moon can bring us more in touch with our subconscious and inner wisdom.

Connection with spiritual and mystical energy

For those who are spiritually or mystically oriented, the full moon is an opportunity to connect with higher energies, guides, or the collective unconscious. Meditation, visualization, and rituals around the full moon can help deepen your spiritual practice.

Why the Full Moon in Taurus is Special (November 15, 2024)

In astrology, each full moon has its own theme, depending on the sign the moon and sun are in. The Taurus full moon, like the one on November 15, 2024, activates themes around stability, sensory experiences, and self-care. Because this full moon is opposite the Scorpio sun, it brings a balance between deep, emotional exploration (Scorpio) and practical, earthy values ​​(Taurus). This can be an intense yet illuminating time as you sense what your heart desires and how to practically manifest it.

So, whether you are spiritually inclined or just curious, the full moon can be a special time to reflect on yourself and your life. It is a beautiful time to observe what is alive within yourself, and perhaps even dream of what is possible.



  • Veel mensen( ikzelf ook) voelen zich vaak ’ anders’ als het volle maan is, waar komt dat vandaan, hoe komt dat. Een goede uitleg hier gegeven. Dank daarvoor.

    Laurens on

  • Beste Karin.

    Via Robin( mijn neef ) ben ik op jou site gekomen .
    Het s zo waar wat je schrijft over de volle maan 🙏
    Normaal gesproken ben ik dan erg onrustig , en zijn de emoties erg sterk.
    Maar nu ben ik dat een stuk minder , wat voor mij nieuw is bij de volle maan .
    Ook mooi dat je de kunst van Tante Mariette gebruikt 🙏🦋

    Met vriendelijke groet ,

    Cia Sterrenburg 🌸

    Cia Sterrenburg on

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