De energetische kracht van kunst van Maria Angela

The energetic power of art by Maria Angela

By Karin Achten

In a world where everything is energy, the objects we surround ourselves with can influence our inner world and energy field. Art is a powerful medium that can resonate deeply with our frequency and consciousness. The art book The Matter Code Kraakster and the high gloss works of the late artist Maria Angela go beyond aesthetics; they offer a unique opportunity to take your life to a higher level by transforming the energy field in your living space.

The Matter Code Kraakster : A Compass for Spiritual Growth

The Matter Code Cracker is much more than a book full of beautiful artwork—it is a profound compass for anyone seeking personal and spiritual evolution. In this book, which is the result of a special collaboration between Karin Achten and the spirit of Maria Angela, hidden art codes are revealed. These codes, contained in both words and images, contain the keys to unlocking higher levels of consciousness.

Karin and Maria Angela share a profound message: art can be a mirror for our own development. The themes central to this book, such as love, loss, meaning and self-discovery, touch the core of what it means to be human. Each chapter of the book invites the reader to expand their consciousness and reflect on their own journey of spiritual growth.

High Gloss Works: Art as a source of energy in your space

Maria Angela's artworks, now available as exclusive high gloss replicas in our webshop, are much more than visual masterpieces. They carry an energetic charge that can directly influence the space in which they are located. Each artwork is a reflection of Maria's deep spiritual connection with the evolutionary process of humanity. By placing one of these works in your living space, you introduce a higher frequency into your immediate environment.

How exactly does this work?

Everything around us, including ourselves, is made up of energy and frequencies. The vibrations we experience on a daily basis are influenced by our thoughts, emotions, and the objects we surround ourselves with. When you hang a piece of art by Maria Angela in your space, you attract the high frequency of her work and the energy of the art codes contained within. This can help you to attune yourself to higher levels of consciousness, which can lead to more clarity, peace, and creativity in your daily life.

Art as a Guide to Higher Consciousness

Maria Angela's work invites you to look beyond the physical canvas and explore the deeper layers of existence. Her high gloss works and the insights from The Matter Code Cracker act as energetic keys that help you understand and experience the hidden dimensions of life.

How The Matter Code Cracker and the High Gloss Works of Maria Angela Can Take Your Life to the Next Level

Imagine being in a room every day where one of Maria’s works hangs. The energy of the artwork not only affects the atmosphere, but also your inner world. It opens your heart and mind, helping you to live with more awareness, and to approach life’s challenges from a higher perspective. Art becomes a catalyst for growth and transformation, helping to raise your frequency and evolve your soul.

Are you ready to expand your consciousness?

The Matter Code Kraakster offers you the chance to experience art in a completely new way. The book is a guide for anyone who wants to understand themselves on a deeper level and grow to a higher consciousness. Combine this with the powerful high gloss artworks of Maria Angela, and you create an energy field in your home that supports you in your personal and spiritual evolution.

So, are you ready to evolve your soul and discover the deeper layers of existence? With The Matter Code Kraakster and the high gloss works of Maria Angela, you bring art into your life that not only inspires, but also transforms.



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